Upcoming Local Events (see below for events in other locations)
Multi Sensory Maths 3 Day Comprehensive Training, 22 & 29 Feb, 01 Mar 2020
- Presented by Esther White - Director, Maths Australia. Suitable for Teachers, Aides, Allied Health Professionals.
- Venue: St Augustine's Primary, Wodonga; Saturday, Days 1-2: 22 & 29/02/2020 9am-4pm; Day 3: Sunday 01/03/20 12-4pm.
- Bookings and detail on TryBooking here:
- Tickets Day 1-3 - $899 ; Day 1 only - $699 ( Day One is a pre-requisite for Day Two); Day 3 only $299.
- Ticket includes a full set of Maths Australia's Integer Block Kit and Fraction Overlay Kit, (total value $298), Comprehensive Training Materials for effective implementation, and a 10% discount on any orders made for our K-12 program within the first month after our training.
- 3 Day Program (spread over 2 weekends) will equip you, the teacher, to confidently share with your students an understanding - and full body knowledge - of Place Value, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Fractions, as well as a basis for Decimals and Percents. Optional 1 Day for those teaching Preschool, Year One, Year Two where we cover Place Value, Addition & Subtraction..
"Have you realised the importance of teaching foundational numeracy skills in a multi-sensory way, yet never had the opportunity to learn how? Have you struggled to know an effective methodology, despite knowing the importance of sequential, mastery-based learning for student confidence?
Come and learn with us how you too can - simply and effectively - teach maths foundations to any student, giving them an understanding of maths that will stay with them for life."
Multisensory Maths Mastery Parents Workshop, 23 Feb 2020,
- Presented by Esther White - Director, Maths Australia..
- Venue: St Augustine's Primary, Wodonga, Sunday, 23/02/2020, 9am-4pm
- Tickets $299 (including Integer Block Kit of maths manipulatives, valued at $199); or $99 (if you already have your own kit).
- Bookings and details on TryBooking here
- The Integer Block Kit is such an integral tool that is used for mastery of all number and algebra, this is a necessary requirement for parents attending.
"This training is heavily discounted for parents. We honor and promote the absolute benefit of parents understanding - and supporting - their child's learning journey. As parents, we are all aware that our own confidence - or lack thereof - impacts the way we relate to our children.
Maths is a subject that many of us put in the "too hard" basket, particularly if we've not understood it, and even more so if our children have a learning difference. Our mission during this "playshop" is to de-bunk the ingrained belief that maths is hard to teach.
Come along, see how easy maths is when we learn it in a hands-on way, and be empowered to be able to truly support your child's maths learning journey."
IN THE PIPELINE (dates/details to be confirmed, subject to change and minimum numbers)
- SPELD Victoria Workshop 2020, Wodonga 'Helpful Guide to Effective School Communication'
- May be held in Term One, 2020. Indicative Ticket price: SPELD Vic Member $25, Non-member $40 (subject to change).
- Special Screening of the short film 'MICAL' October 2020 for Dyslexia Awareness Month.
- Details to be confirmed. Tells the story of Michael Jones' mother's struggle to find help for her clever son with dyslexia.
Upcoming Events - Other Locations
SPELD Victoria - Various Events Info, Melbourne 2019
- Lyn Stone: 'The Pen is Mightier than the Sword' PD; Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Parent Workshop 30/11, 01/12/19
- Meet Nessy Learning Founder Mike Jones and Tiffany James, 04/11/19, Albury
- Sounds Write Linguistic Phonics with James Lyra of First Occupational Therapy - 4 day PD, Wodonga, Aug/Sept 2019
- Multisensory Structured Language (MSL) Training 2019 Albury Course by IMSLE, 30 Sep - 04 Oct 2019
- Microsoft Immersive Reader (BYOD to practice on)
- St Augustine's Primary, Wodonga, 07 August, 2019, "Leading an Evidence-Based Approach to Literacy"
- SPELD Victoria Workshop 31 July, 2019, Wodonga,'Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD) Assessment Reports'
- MSL Club Wodonga & Parent Workshops, 08-10 July 2019
- Phonics Roadshow, Wodonga, Tuesday, 26 March 2019
- Multisensory Structured Language (MSL) Training, 2017 & 2018 Course by IMSLE
- 'Spelling for Life', Lyn Stone, Sept 2018.
- Cracking the ABC Code, by Dr Lillian Fawcett, 2017 & 2018. Parent Literacy Workshop; Multisensory Literacy Workshop.
- Light It Red for Dyslexia 2017: Twilight picnic dinner QEII Square where Albury Entertainment Centre showed their support by lighting the Chandelier Room intensely red; 2016: Wodonga's Water Tower was lit up in red by Wodonga City Council.
- SPELD Victoria: Wodonga Workshop : Building Parent Confidence in Supporting Children with Dyscalculia (K-Yr 10)
- Vision Australia Library Information Session. Vision Australia (Free)
- Liz Campbell, Speech and Language Therapist : Dyslexia and Understanding Assessments (Free); presentation PDF, see also
- Susan Berran : Local Author : school holiday presentation (Free); website
- Mark Cottee, NDCO : Assistive Technology in the Age of the Device (Free);
Mark's local NDCO newsletter resource #1; presentation resource #2; video resource #3; booklet 'Your Right to an Education';